The final championship show of the year, LKA (Ladies’ Kennel Association) on 8th December saw our 8th champion of the year made up. Mr Andrew Gullick was judging Norfolks for the second time. Diane Jenkins won the her 3rd qualifying CC with KRISMA CROSSFIRE, who was bred by Dot Britten and is a litter brother to her own champion, KRISMA JELLYBEAN. Best of Breed and Bitch CC winner was Jackie Phillips’ VICHEA PICK AND MIX, who had topped all the entry at our 75th Anniversary Show.
New champion in: Champions' Pedigrees: KRISMA CROSSFIRE.
JAEVA HOLY MOSES won Best In Show and Best Dog at the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB’s CHRISTMAS SHOW held on 2nd December 2007. He was bred by Martin Phillips, but now is in the ownership of his mother Mrs Beatrice Phillips and Andrew Gullick.
Reserve Best In Show, Best Bitch, and Best Opposite Sex went to young Kristian Hitchen’s handling his mother, Mrs Chris Hitchen’s BRYMARDEN CARMEN FOR KREATIN. The judge for the show had flown over from Holland, a specialist breeder of Norfolks, Mrs Marisca Brinkmann (of Queensborough).
For further details see Show Results '07 and Show Scene 2007.

CH JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE has gained two group placings recently, at SOUTH WALES KENNEL ASSOCIATION, held at Newbury Showground as a last minute substitute when their ground was flooded. There he was Group 4 judged by Mr Sigurd Wilburg; he also gained Group 3 at EAST OF ENGLAND on 17th July from judge Mr Ronnie Irving after Mrs Patricia Broom had given him Best of Breed.
August gave us another bitch champion for Cathy Thompson-Morgan when CH BELLEVILLE SWEETHEART was made up at Bournemouth by Dorothy Dorkins, she had also qualified for the Pup of the Year finals at National Terrier. The other two champions are dogs - the Jaeva team made up JAEVA HOTSHOT at City of Birmingham on 2nd September when Patsy Hollings judged and Cathy Thompson-Morgan got her third qualifying CC on 14th September at Darlington with BELLEVILLE RUMOUR NOTHING, under Sherril Goodwin - the last two are subject to confirmation by the Kennel Club.
Two shows in June produced two more champions, both bitches. At Southern Counties under judge Mrs Cherry Howard, BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION won her title, she is owned and bred by Cathy Thompson-Morgan; and at Three Counties a week later Mr Andrew Hunt was judging Norfolks for the first time, he chose KRISMA JELLYBEAN, owned and bred by Dot Britten, which was her 3rd qualifying CC, having won two last year.
The second champion of the year was crowned at Scotland, judged by Mr Bryn Cadogan, FOXHOUSE FIREDANCE is the first bitch to be made up this year,
She is owned and bred by Maureen McPhee.

Mrs Annette Penny (Penorth) came over from France to judge the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB’s Spring Open Show where KRISMA JELLYBEAN was Best In Show. Bred and owned by Dot Britten she won the Open Bitch Class and her full sister from a repeat mating, KRISMA NIPNTUCK, won Best Puppy; both are by Ch/Am Ch Kinsridge Cruise Control x Krisma Fruitgum.
To keep it in the family, K Jellybean’s brother, KRISMA CROSSFIRE, now owned by Di Jenkins, was Best In Show at the Midland Norfolk Terrier Club’s Open Show in March. Reserve BIS was the bitch BRYMARDEN CARMEN, owned by Mrs Hitchen shown by her son Kristian, and bred by the Claydons – Kristian also won the Junior Handling. Best Opposite Sex, the dog winner, was SA Ch Macsnest Nik The Kaluha at Collaton (imp) owned by Linda & Michael Philip, he is proving a very successful sire.
JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE wins Best of Breed at Crufts. Judged by specialist Mrs Rita Mitchell, he won his 3rd CC to become the breed’s first champion of the year. Bred by Martin Phillips who showed him in the ring, he is now co-owned by Mrs B Phillips, Andrew Gullick & Tam Nagrecha. The bitch CC was won by Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s youngster, BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION.
In January CH & AM CH JAEVA DUTCH GOLD celebrated his return to this country from the USA, by winning the Final of the Pedigree Veteran Stakes. Co-owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick, he had earlier won the final heat of the Veteran Stakes at LKA in December.
Norfolk Terriers Lost and Found
Lost in the Kent area.
A small, young, spayed, black and tan Norfolk bitch. She is the close
companion of the young son of the family who is extremely upset that
she is lost. Details have been posted everywhere including the Lost
Dog websites.
Please call Victoria Honeychurch 01622 891757 or Helena Jupp Norfolk
Rescue or John Mackison, Club Secretary, if you can help.
The second champion of the year was crowned at Scotland, judged by Mr Bryn Cadogan, FOXHOUSE FIREDANCE is the first bitch to be made up this year,
She is owned and bred by Maureen McPhee.
Krisma Jellybean claims her Best In Show rosette
Mrs Annette Penny (Penorth) came over from France to judge the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB’s Spring Open Show where KRISMA JELLYBEAN was Best In Show. Bred and owned by Dot Britten she won the Open Bitch Class and her full sister from a repeat mating, KRISMA NIPNTUCK, won Best Puppy; both are by Ch/Am Ch Kinsridge Cruise Control x Krisma Fruitgum.
To keep it in the family, K Jellybean’s brother, KRISMA CROSSFIRE, now owned by Di Jenkins, was Best In Show at the Midland Norfolk Terrier Club’s Open Show in March. Reserve BIS was the bitch BRYMARDEN CARMEN, owned by Mrs Hitchen shown by her son Kristian, and bred by the Claydons – Kristian also won the Junior Handling. Best Opposite Sex, the dog winner, was SA Ch Macsnest Nik The Kaluha at Collaton (imp) owned by Linda & Michael Philip, he is proving a very successful sire.
JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE wins Best of Breed at Crufts. Judged by specialist Mrs Rita Mitchell, he won his 3rd CC to become the breed’s first champion of the year. Bred by Martin Phillips who showed him in the ring, he is now co-owned by Mrs B Phillips, Andrew Gullick & Tam Nagrecha. The bitch CC was won by Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s youngster, BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION.
In January CH & AM CH JAEVA DUTCH GOLD celebrated his return to this country from the USA, by winning the Final of the Pedigree Veteran Stakes. Co-owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick, he had earlier won the final heat of the Veteran Stakes at LKA in December.
Congratulations to Dorothy and Gina Dorkins on winning Best Terrier Breed Stand at Crufts 2007.
This is a wonderful achievement because the competition is fierce - not only have Dorothy and Gina done marvels with tremendous sales of all the beautiful Norfolk merchandise but they have kept the flag flying for the Norfolk Terriers and kept them and the Club on their winning streak. Well done!
JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE wins Best of Breed at Crufts. Judged by specialist Mrs Rita Mitchell, he won his 3rd CC to become the breed’s first champion of the year. Bred by Martin Phillips who showed him in the ring, he is now co-owned by Mrs B Phillips, Andrew Gullick & Tam Nagrecha. The bitch CC was won by Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s youngster, BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION.
In January CH & AM CH JAEVA DUTCH GOLD celebrated his return to this country from the USA, by winning the Final of the Pedigree Veteran Stakes. Co-owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick, he had earlier won the final heat of the Veteran Stakes at LKA in December.
LKA Championship Show - Terrier Day held on the 8th December 2006 at the NEC in Birmingham.

Mrs C. Thompson-Morgan awarding the BOB at LKA 2006
to Mr M. Phililips handling Jaeva For Petes Sake

Mr M. Phillips with Jaeva For Petes Sake 3rd in the terrier group LKA 2006
Jointly owned by the Jaeva team of Phillips, Gullick and Kate Tate, to very warm applause JAEVA HOTSHOT was judged Best In Show at The Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Christmas Show on Sunday 3rd December by terrier judge, Mr Paul Eardley, of Sherex fame.
JAEVA HOTSHOT was bravely shown by Andrew Gullick and they put up a very good performance to win a strong Open Dog class; 2nd to him there and Reserve Best in Show was, NORDALSET DISTINCTLY DUTCH FOR JAEVA, shown by Linda Philip, but co-owned and bred with her husband, Michael. Best Opposite Sex was the winning Open Bitch, FOXHOUSE FIREDANCE, owned and shown by Maureen McPhee. Best Puppy was Mary Atkinson’s MOORTOP HOT ROLL, a son of last year’s leading bitch winner, Ch Hobson’s Choice at Moortop and the BIS winner, Jaeva Hotshot.
CH BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK wins Best In Show at the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Championship Show 2006 judged by Mr Bryan Claydon.
Bred, owned and shown by Cathy Thompson-Morgan, he was at the top of an impressive line-up of champions in the Open Dog class; second to him in this class, Reserve Best in Show and Reserve Dog CC went to last year’s top dog, CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC, handled by Andrew Gullick who shares ownership of him with Mrs B Phillips. Top of the bitches and gaining her crowning 3rd CC was Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN FLY AWAY, with the RBCC going to Mrs Dorothy Dorkins’ LOWMITA LILY OF THE VALLEY, shown by her daughter, Gina. Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s bitch BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION defeated her kennelmate, dog puppy winner Belleville Rumour Nothing for the Best Puppy award.
August and September have now seen four new Norfolks gaining their titles, subject to ratification by the Kennel Club: CH BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK was made up with Best of Breed at The Welsh Kennel Club Show under Beth Sweigart from the USA. Rita Mitchell’sCH OFF THE CUFF BY RICHELL gained his third CC at City of Birmingham under Andrew Gullick who was judging Norfolks for the first time; and at Darlington Jill Stevenson won her qualifying CC with CH SANDYGRACE POT ‘O’ GOLD AT BRICKIN, who was bred by Nan Chadwick. Darlington also saw Martin Phillips’ JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE win Group 3 in the Terrier Group, judged by Mr Paul Wilkinson, and Diane Jenkins and her daughter Rebecca’s KINSRIDGE I SHOULD COCO win Puppy Group IV from Mrs June V Freeman.
Cathy Thompson-Morgan piloted BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK to Group 2 at Paignton under Judge Terry Thorn. She won not only Best of Breed but also both Reserve CCs with her two young puppies, BELLEVILLE RUMOUR NOTHING and BELLEVILLE ANOTHER DESIRE, the bitch, who was given Best Puppy by breed judge Mrs Zena Thorn Andrews – a family affair.
The bitch CC went to CH DIGGERY ROCK THE BOAT.
CH BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK wins Best In Show at the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Championship Show 2006 judged by Mr Bryan Claydon.
Bred, owned and shown by Cathy Thompson-Morgan, he was at the top of an impressive line-up of champions in the Open Dog class; second to him in this class, Reserve Best in Show and Reserve Dog CC went to last year’s top dog, CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC, handled by Andrew Gullick who shares ownership of him with Mrs B Phillips. Top of the bitches and gaining her crowning 3rd CC was Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN FLY AWAY, with the RBCC going to Mrs Dorothy Dorkins’ LOWMITA LILY OF THE VALLEY, shown by her daughter, Gina. Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s bitch BELLEVILLE ANOTHER PASSION defeated her kennelmate, dog puppy winner Belleville Rumour Nothing for the Best Puppy award.
August and September have now seen four new Norfolks gaining their titles, subject to ratification by the Kennel Club: CH BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK was made up with Best of Breed at The Welsh Kennel Club Show under Beth Sweigart from the USA. Rita Mitchell’sCH OFF THE CUFF BY RICHELL gained his third CC at City of Birmingham under Andrew Gullick who was judging Norfolks for the first time; and at Darlington Jill Stevenson won her qualifying CC with CH SANDYGRACE POT ‘O’ GOLD AT BRICKIN, who was bred by Nan Chadwick. Darlington also saw Martin Phillips’ JAEVA FOR PETES SAKE win Group 3 in the Terrier Group, judged by Mr Paul Wilkinson, and Diane Jenkins and her daughter Rebecca’s KINSRIDGE I SHOULD COCO win Puppy Group IV from Mrs June V Freeman.
Cathy Thompson-Morgan piloted BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK to Group 2 at Paignton under Judge Terry Thorn. She won not only Best of Breed but also both Reserve CCs with her two young puppies, BELLEVILLE RUMOUR NOTHING and BELLEVILLE ANOTHER DESIRE, the bitch, who was given Best Puppy by breed judge Mrs Zena Thorn Andrews – a family affair.
The bitch CC went to CH DIGGERY ROCK THE BOAT.
New address: The Kennel Club
Great news ! Hippo is found!
Sunday 24th September: Championship Show at Brackley Leisure Centre Springfields, Brackley, Northants NN 12 6JJ. The show opens at 9am, judging begins at 10.00am. Judge: Mr Bryan Claydon. Entries close August 24th.
Cathy Thompson-Morgan piloted BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK to Group 2 at Paignton under Judge Terry Thorn.
She won not only Best of Breed but also both Reserve CCs with her two young puppies, BELLEVILLE RUMOUR NOTHING and BELLEVILLE ANOTHER DESIRE, this bitch was the choice for Best Puppy by breed judge Mrs Zena Thorn Andrews.
The bitch CC went to CH DIGGERY ROCK THE BOAT.
A very first champion for Lesley Harpham & Pete Hulance whose bitch was made up at Windsor, under our judge from Sweden Mr Geir Flyckt-Pedersen. DIGGERY ROCK THE BOAT is from the first litter they have ever bred, she is by Ch Brickin Held To Ransom out of Another Voyage, she also was Best of Breed. CH KINSRIDGE DOW JONES continued on his winning ways with his 5th Dog CC, he had been awarded Group 3 the previous week at Border Union after going Best of Breed under Geoff Corish.
The first dog to become a champion is Diane Jenkins & Candy Turner’sKINSRIDGE DOW JONES; his qualifying CC with Best of Breed was awarded by Mr Andrew Brace at Three Counties on Tuesday 13th June; he had been making waves recently, winning CCs first at WELKS on 28thApril (Judge Mr Frank Jones) then his second CC with Best of Breed on Saturday 20th May in Scotland at the Scottish Kennel Club show judged by Norfolk and Norwich specialist, Mrs Anne Forman. Bred and handled by Diane Jenkins he is a litter brother to CH KINSRIDGE SUNFLOWER, who gained her title in May, they are both by Ch Kinsridge Free 'N' Easy, now living in the USA, out of black & tan bitch Ch Kinsridge Chaos.
The second bitch to be made up is Mrs B Phillips’ JAEVA PENNY WISE, shown and bred by her son, Martin. She is by his imported black & tan dog, Ch & Swe/Dan Ch Jiffy The Sky’s The Limit out of Jaeva Classical Touch; Mr Les Aspin gave her the vital 3rd CC at Southern Counties on Saturday 3rd June.

Ch Kinsridge Sunflower
The first champion of the year was crowned at The National Dog Show which is now held at Stafford on 16th May, when KINSRIDGE SUNFLOWER gained her qualifying third Challenge Certificate under Mr Max King.
Three champions now, and the first dog to become a champion is Diane Jenkins & Candy Turner’s KINSRIDGE DOW JONES; his qualifying CC with Best of Breed was awarded by Mr Andrew Brace at Three Counties on Tuesday 13th June; he had been making waves recently, winning CCs first at WELKS on 28th April (Judge Mr Frank Jones) then his second CC with Best of Breed on Saturday 20th May in Scotland at the Scottish Kennel Club show judged by Norfolk and Norwich specialist, Mrs Anne Forman. Bred and handled by Diane Jenkins he is a litter brother to CH KINSRIDGE SUNFLOWER, who gained her title in May, they are both byCh Kinsridge Free ‘N’ Easy, now living in the USA, out of black & tan bitch Ch Kinsridge Chaos.
The second bitch to be made up is Mrs B Phillips’ JAEVA PENNY WISE, shown and bred by her son, Martin. She is by his imported black & tan dog, Ch & Swe/Dan Ch Jiffy The Sky’s The Limit out of Jaeva Classical Touch; Mr Les Aspin gave her the vital 3rd CC at Southern Counties on Saturday 3rd June.
The first champion of the year was crowned at The National Dog Show which is now held at Stafford on 16th May, when KINSRIDGE SUNFLOWER gained her qualifying third Challenge Certificate under Mr Max King.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Joy Taylor in the early hours of 18th April 2006. She was an amazing woman, knowledgeable, articulate, forthright, always elegant, hospitable, with a world wide circle of friends who will all miss her enormously. She bore pain with great fortitude. Dogs were her life interest, Norfolk Terriers and a Min Pin or two in the kitchen.
To her family we send our sympathy and condolences.
Over 50 years ago she started breeding drop-eared Norwich terriers, and as the famous Nanfan Norfolk Terriers they have conquered the world. The influence of her breeding programme is incomparable; nearly every single modern Norfolk Terrier today can trace back to a Nanfan in its pedigree.
We would be delighted if you would like to contribute a few words about Joy in our Book of Tributes on this web site.
Cherry Howard, President Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain.
With the death of Joy Taylor of the world famous Nanfan Norfolk Terriers an era has come to an end. For the last 50 years the closely bred Nanfans have shaped the breed stamping their distinctive type on their progeny not only in Britain with 39 Nanfan champions, but in the US, Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, Italy and Australia. Joy died suddenly in Gloucester hospital only three weeks before her 84th birthday. I am sure that all her hundreds of friends all over the world would say that to know Joy was not only to respect her but also to love her – and certainly never forget her.
Elisabeth Matell
The Norfolk Terrier Club of GB’s Spring Open Show had two new dogs at the top. Awarded Best In Show by all-rounder judge Mr Frank Kane, was JAEVA HOTSHOT jointly owned by Mrs B Phillips, Mrs Kate Tate and Mr Andrew Gullick who piloted him to the top spot.
Reserve Best In Show was the new puppy of Cathy Thompson-Morgan BELLEVILLE CHASE THE ACE, who had won Best of Breed the previous week under Miss Elisabeth Matell at National Terrier
Lightning only strikes once. After the thrills of CH CRACKNOR CAUSE CELEBRE and CH BELLEVILLE SWEET NOTHINGS there was on 10thMarch 2006

(Photo by Carol Ann Johnson)
For the third year in succession, a Norfolk has been placed in the Terrier Group. CH KINSRIDGE CRUISE CONTROL won Group 4 under judge Mrs Judy Averis. Diane Jenkins handled her young dog, known as Milo at home, to win Open Dog, CC and Best of Breed from the breed judge, Mr Roger Thomas. Milo will be two years old at the end of the month and both he and his owner looked extremely smart and well in tune with each other, as hot on their heels was last year’s top winner CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC, handled by Andrew Gullick. Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s CH BELLEVILLE ANOTHER SMARTI was top of the bitches and collected her 5th CC. The Jaeva team were again runner up with the BRCC going toCH JAEVA MAID TO ORDER, but they won both puppy classes, Best Puppy going to the dog, JAEVA HOTSHOT.
Kirsty Peake Lecture on April 23rd 2006
John Mackison, the secretary of the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB,
new address:
Tetbury Road
SN16 0LU
Tel: 01666 841197. E-mail:
We offer many apologies that you have been unable to view the website. This has been due to a major service breakdown caused by a hardware failure on the British Hosting Server. The secretaries and the webmaster have had no influence on this at all, and the site remained down despite all their best efforts.
CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC ON A HIGH!He wins the dog CC, Best of Breed and Group 1 in the Terrier Group at Darlington on 16th September and follows that by winning Best In Show at the Norfolk Terrier Club Championship Show on Sunday 25th September. His ownership has temporarily changed into the names of Mrs B Phillips and Andrew Gullick, who handles Woody. The bitch CC and Reserve Best in Show was Mary Atkinson’s
CH HOBSON’S CHOICE AT MOORTOP. Mrs Ferelith Somerfield was the judge at our championship show this year, vastly experienced, this was her 20th time of awarding CCs to the breed over the years. Her choice for the dog RCC and Best Puppy was Rita Mitchell’s RICHELL CONTRABAND, who has been unbeaten in dog puppy classes this year. KINSRIDGE SUNFLOWER in the joint ownership of Diane Jenkins, Richard Allen & Neil Dams, won the bitch RCC.
In quick succession follows our 4th champion of the year, subject to Kennel Club approval: Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s ALLRIGHT SMART SIR BYRON (imp), bred by Frauke Hinsch in Germany of truly international bloodlines, with English, American, German and Swedish dogs in his pedigree. He won his crowning CC and Best of Breed at Richmond under Finnish judge Mr Johan J Juslin, repeating his similar triumph at City of Birmingham with Mrs Cherry Howard a week earlier. His first CC was won in Scotland in May where Mr Ellis Hulme had the same CC winners as at City of Birmingham. Cathy did well at Richmond as she produced the Bitch CC winner in a young puppy, BELLEVILLE PETTICOAT LANE, and the Dog RCC winner in BELLEVILLE THUNDER STRUCK. Elisabeth Matell has now won three successive reserve CCs with her bitch puppy CRACKNOR COOKING UP A STORM.
Congratulations to CH HOBSON’S CHOICE AT MOORTOP! She became our 3rd champion of the year when she won her 3rd qualifying Challenge Certificate in Scotland (Aug) from Marilyn Claydon and a week later added her 4th CC at City of Birmingham. She is owned by Mary Atkinson who started breeding drop-eared Norwich in the 1960s, before separation - the record-breaking
Ch Colonsay Orderly Dog was actually bred by Mary although owned and registered by Miss Macfie. Mary’s daughter, Dale, has carried on the family tradition with her Didjim affix, but the Moortop affix is present in many pedigrees. The new champion is by Jaeva Duty Free out of Didjim Flycatcher, this bitch is now owned by a close friend, Mrs Ferrand, but was bred by Mary’s daughter Dale. Sadly Flycatcher only had the one live puppy, hence the name of Hobson’s Choice.
Rachael Benney has just qualified with Kenmillen London Eye (Max) to represent England at Crufts 2006 in the Young Kennel Club Handling Class in the 7 - 11 year age group. She will also be competing in the 12-16 Years class as she will shortly be 12 years old. She is also taking part in the Junior Handling Association semi-finals at Richmond this September.
At East of England, after winning BoB and his 10th CC, CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC – Woody, handled by Andrew Gullick – competed in the Champion Stakes and won under judge Mr Vince Mitchell. He returned on the final day to defeat the winners from the other days to become the first Norfolk since Ch Cracknor Call My Bluff to win an overall heat of the Champion Stakes. The final takes place in January 2006. Woody was bred by Martin Phillips and is in their joint ownership.
Pedigrees of the two new champions, Ch Belleville Another Smarti and Ch Jaeva Maid To Order.
New supply in Show Scene 2005: Although Norfolks no longer have CCs at Blackpool, they do have classes, and many congratulations are due to CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC, who having gone Best of Breed under Mr T H Johnston went on to the top spot in the Group on Saturday 25th June. This is his first Group 1 win, although just a week before on the 19th June at Border Union Agricultural Society he had been placed Terrier Group 3 after winning the DCC & BoB under Mrs Sherril Goodwin. He is bred by Martin Phillips and jointly owned with Andrew Gullick.
Best in Show at the NTC of GB Spring Open Show
under judge Gina Dorkins was Cathy Thompson Morgan's Allright Smart Sir Byron (Ch Belleville Smart Alec - Ger Ch Allright Chocolate Chip) bred by Dr. Frauke Hinsch.
Coco has admirers in high places.
Nan Chadwick, as a result of her involvement with the magistracy, was at a reception and had the honour of being presented to HM Queen. Nan was asked beforehand if there was anything else she wanted to say to the Queen and so she suggested saying that she bred Norfolks. The Queen was most interested and went on to say what a great win a Norfolk had last Sunday at Crufts.

Eng/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre tops the lot after winning the Terrier Group on the first night.
Shown with great skill by Peter Green, Coco put up a terrific performance to become Best in Show judged by Miss Jean Lanning. Norfolk Terrier expert Lesley Crawley had made her Best of Breed and Geir Flyckt Pedersen had awarded her the Terrier Group on Thursday 10th March. She is owned jointly by Americans Pam Beale, Stephanie Ingram and her Swedish breeder Elisabeth Matell, who lives in England.

Coco is by Rita Mitchell's top sire Ch Richell Claret out of Hatchwoods Madrigal, bred by Cherry Howard who sold her as a puppy to Elisabeth Matell. Her pedigree is based mainly on a lot of Joy Taylor's Nanfan bloodlines.
This is the first time a Norfolk Terrier has achieved this highest of accolades. Born on 9th July 1998, she won her first CC at the Norfolk Terrier Club Championship show in 1999, and 7 other CCs in England plus a Terrier Group at the Welsh Kennel Club in 2000 with Elisabeth Matell. She had a litter to Allright Big Game which included Swe Ch Cracknor Copyright and Cracknor Copydex, before going to America and returning to the ring in 2002.
In the USA Coco swept all before her with Beth Sweigart, her usual handler. She was Top Dog all breeds in 2003, when she also captured the top prize and $67,000 at the American Kennel Club Eukanuba Invitational as well as Best in Show at Montgomery, the top show for Terriers. She won the Terrier Group at Westminster in 2004 before taking a short time off to have a litter of puppies by Am Ch Red Cherubim's Summer Star, byCh/Am Ch Nanfan Caper’s son, Am Ch Yarrow’s Henley ex Int & World Ch Allright Indian Summer. Back in the showring later in the year, she celebrated another Best in Show win and ended the show season again Top Terrier in the US, despite taking months off for maternal duties.
In 2005 she repeated her Best of Breed and Best in Group win at Westminster, and now the culmination of her brilliant career is the final triumph of Best in Show at Crufts. The ringside was packed to see this fabulous dog putting up a dramatic performance - she moves with tremendous energy and really strides out, always alert and on her toes as well as charming the audience with her dancing and pirouettes. When interviewed after the win, she had to put in her own comment: "woof" she said, three times into the microphone.
She knew she was The Best.

The Crufts '05 Dog World newsletter:
For the first time, the best in show winner at Crufts had travelled from the United States specially to attend the show.
The winner was the Norfolk Terrier, Ch/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre, known to all as Coco, bred by Elisabeth Matell, until her recent retirement breed advertisement manager at DOG WORLD.
- Read more
Have a look at Coco, Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre, winning BOB at Westminster USA on
She won the Terrier Group but just pipped for Best in Show the second year running.
The Annual General Meeting of the Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain (and the The Spring Open Show) will take place on Sunday 10 April 2005 . See: Forthcoming Events and News from the Club
New photos of Ch Nanfan Heckle in Crufts BOBs from 1965
For special presents to give to your Norfolk Terrier friends just visit the SHOP to see the wonderful array of Norfolk goodies for sale.
Congratulations to Nicola Blance and her puppy Match Point at Jaeva on winning the last heat of the 2004 Dog World/Purina ProPlan Pup of the Year competition which was held at the LKA on December 10th. Match Point (co-breeder Martin Phillips) beat 403 puppies under judge Sylvia Harms-Cook, and goes through to the final in January 2005.
Show Scene 2004: CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC
Champions' Pedigrees wins Group 3 at L.K.A. Bred by Martin Phillips, but now owned by Andrew Gullick he gained his third CC and Best of Breed from judge Mr Max King. 'Woody' has had an outstanding run and has been unbeaten as a puppy this year, winning every Best Puppy award at every show he has attended. Now at the grand old age of 1 year and 1 month he gained his crown in style. His kennel mate, Martin Philipps's JAEVA MAID TO ORDER gained her first CC at this show.
The 40th Ruby Anniversary of the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB was celebrated at the Championship Show at Steventon, near Didcot on 25th September. It drew a very good entry, and two champions were crowned by Specialist Judge, Mrs Liz Cartledge. She chose Margaret Ruffles's CH RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE to win his 3rd CC from a very strong Open Dog class, and Cathy Thompson-Morgan also won a 3rd qualifying CC with CH BELLEVILLE EXPRESSION.
To great applause, CH RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE was adjudged to be Best In Show.
The hall was packed with exhibitors and visitors from several countries, and a hot sit-down lunch was served to over 110 people. It was quite an occasion. See Show Results 2004, Show Scene 2004 and new Champions' Pedigrees

The winning moment.
Liz Cartledge hands Margaret Ruffles, with Ruffnor Secret Tipple, the Dog CC making him a champion
(Photo: Sally Anne Thompson)
Red Lord Kenton of Cracknor (Kevin) wins Dog with the Waggiest Tailat the Greyhound Rescue West of England Annual Show under judge Mr Martin Leith on September 12th 2004.
The sixth champion of 2004: Margaret Ruffles makes up her smart black & tan bitch CH RUFFNOR DRUMBEAT (=>Champions' Pedigrees) at City of Birmingham on 4th September, where she also went Best of Breed under specialist judge Mr Jon Rudkin, and repeats this performance of Best of Breed at Richmond where Cathy Thompson-Morgan was judging Norfolks for the first time at their new venue at Losely Park near Guildford. Margaret did the double as her RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE also won his second CC.

Ch Ruffnor Drumbeat
Leading dog, CH FREE 'N' EASY WINS DOG CC and Best of Breed but Crunchie does it at last!
CH CRACKNOR CAUSE A STIR AT RICHELL finally wins her 3rd qualifying CC at Bournemouth from Judge Mrs Maureen Micklethwaite. After nine reserve challenge certificates, she joins her litter sister Eng/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre as a champion, making a 7th for her sire, Ch Richell Claret. But it was a family celebration as her dam, Hatchwoods Madrigal has now produced her 5th champion offspring (by three different sires), and the two RCC winners, RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE and CH CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR (imp) were bred from two other of her champion offspring.
Best Puppy wasCrunchie's son, RICHELL BOVVER BOOTS.

Cherry Howard's portrait of "Badger", winner of the DRAW YOUR DOG competition at the Norwich/Norfolk Fun Day 2004.
First imported bitch to become a champion in the UK.
Two imported undocked Norfolks are winning in the ring this year: the black and tan dog CH JIFFY THE SKY'S THE LIMIT and the recently crowned red bitch CH CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR, owned by Elisabeth Matell. She was given her qualifying third CC by Martin Phillips, Judge at East of England, and also co-owner with Andrew Gullick of the dog. He chose for his best of breed the leading dog of the year so far, CH KINSRIDGE FREE 'N' EASY, owned jointly by Di Jenkins and Richard Allen
Statistics (very extensive now, if you click on the months.)
Unbeaten in Puppy Classes, JAEVA GOLD AURIC, born in November 2003, wins his first CC and Best of Breed at PAIGNTON CH SHOW. His sire, Jaeva Gold Leaf was only 9 months old when he unexpectedly mated Rosara Voulezvouz at Jaeva with excellent results! He is jointly owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick. The Bitch CC winner was Cathy Thompson-Morgan's BELLEVILLE EXPRESSION. See Show Scene 2004
Pedigrees of Recent Champions
New: CH. BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM (02/07/2004)
The summer shows are now in full swing: WELKS in glorious weather, The National where it poured with rain and Scottish Kennel Club (May) with good weather. We now have two new champions: The first new champion to be made up in 2004 is CH BELLEVILLE PENNY LANE.
Owned by Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan she was the Top Puppy of 2003, having won her first CC (and Best of Breed) at Paignton last summer when judged by Ruth Corkhill. At National Terrier on 3rd April she gained her 2nd CC from Mrs Sue McCourt, and her third qualifying CC was at WELKS on Sunday 25th April from Judge Mrs Anne Forman. (subject to ratification by the Kennel Club).
The second champion is CH ROULETTA RUSSET LEAF, the first Norfolk champion for Tom & Maureen Chambers. He is by Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imported from Frauke Hinsch in Germany as a puppy) out of Rouletta Crispin Leaf. He won his first ticket last year in Scotland in August before winning the Dog CC at Crufts this year. For more details see Show Scene 2004)
Teddy comes home!
The amazing story of ‘Teddy’ the Norfolk Terrier who was lost for 18 months. New page: Norfolk Terriers Lost and Found. Their stories, pictures and advice,
Show Results 2004: results of the Spring Open Show

Best in Show Ch & Swe/Dan Ch Jiffy The Sky's The Limit with co-owners Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick
The Norfolk Terrier Rescue and Welfare:
Mrs Helena Jupp (The Old Saw Mill Cottage, Potcote, Towcester, Northants. NN12 8EH. Tel: 01327 831097)

(Photo: Sally Anne Thompson)
Another triumph for Lola
awarded best of breed for the second year running by judge Mrs Dorothy Dorkins. See: Crufts
She went on to put up a great performance in the Terrier Group, judged by Mr Ronnie Irving to win Group 2, handled by her owner Cathy Morgan-Thompson.
Norfolk racing (game for our juniors) (467 kB)
Norfolk New Coat Care : A Guide to Hand Stripping the
Norfolk Terrier..
CH KINSRIDGE FREE 'N' EASY, owned by Diane Jenkins and Richard Allen has started 2004 in grand style. He was runner up in the prestigious Pup Of The Year competition in London, and he was second in the Terrier Group from the Not Separately Classified (Terrier) classes at Manchester, the first championship show of the season, now relocated to the Stafford County Showground.
CH KINSRIDGE FREE 'N' EASY is Best in Show at the ChristmasOpen Show of The Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain, judged by Mr Andrew Gullick.
He is jointly owned by Ms Diane Jenkins and Mr Richard Allen, and he repeats his success at the Club Spring Open Show in April when he was still only a puppy.
See: Show Results 2003
Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Championship Show 2003 on 28th September, 1st, 2nd & 3rd in all classes
see: Show Results 2003

2002 's Top Winner,
wins the Dog CC and goes Best in Show
at the Norfolk Terrier of GB Championship Show
on 28th September.
Judged by Dr Frauke Hinsch,
he beat his kennel mate CH BELLEVILLE SWEET NOTHINGS, the bitch CC winner, who was reserve Best in Show.
See Show Scene 2003 and Show Results 2003
Norfolk Champions made up in 2003:
1 Ch Belleville Star Struck (WELKS)
2 Ch Belleville Sweet Nothings (Birmingham National)
3 Eng, Swed & Dan Ch Jiffy the Sky's the Limit (SKC May)
4 Ch Kinsridge Wild Child (SKC May)
5 Ch Belleville Sun King (Southern Counties)
6 Ch Jaeva It's a Rumour (Southern Counties)
7 Ch Jaeva Party Polatics (Border Union)
8 Ch Brickin Hit and Run (Bournemouth)
9 Ch Kinsridge Free 'N' Easy (Welsh KC)

Cracker & Wendy
(Photo ©: Sally Anne Thompson )