This was held at a new venue, which some found a little hard to find, at Tomlinson’s Canine Centre in Markfield. Judge, Mrs Nan Chadwick (Sandygrace), had a good entry on paper of 78 dogs, but cold and fog reduced the entry to 48, with 17 dogs and 31 bitches actually present. Martin Phillips took Best In Show with his black & tan winner of the Puppy Class, TOM TOM AT JAEVA, who was bred by Mrs A Walton by Brickin Smart Outlook ex Killer Queen; Reserve Best in Show was another from his kennel, in the ownership of Andrew Gullick & Robert Oliver, JAEVA KISS ME HARDY, a son of Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake – Jaeva Helfa Leather. Best Opposite Sex and Best Bitch was Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s BELLEVILLE SILK PETTICOAT(SA Ch Nik The Kaluha at Collaton (imp) out of Belleville Petticoat Lane, and Reserve Best Bitch & Reserve Best Opposite Sex puppy Margaret Horne’s GOLDEN BREEZE, which she bred by Ch Krisma Crossfire – Louby Loo.
DARLINGTON Another day wallowing in mud for exhibitors – we are a tough breed! On Sunday 14th September Mrs Marilyn Claydon (Brymarden) was awarding CCs for a second time, with the two major awards repeating the line up from the last two shows by going toCH JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL winning her 10th CC with Best of Breed, and CH BELLEVILLE PREMONITION on a run now with his 6th CC. KINSRIDGE TOP DOLLAR was the RCC and for the final time Best Puppy, his 9th such award as he is now a year old, while Jackie Phillips won the Bitch RCC with CH VICHEA PICK AND MIX.
RICHMOND This show on 6th September held at Loseley Park near Guildford was memorable for the rain, mud, quagmire and swampy conditions everywhere. It was a nightmare for parking, with a water filled ditch to negotiate with trolleys just by the entrance to the show, which got deeper by the hour; the ground took a hammering from continuous rain on Friday, and off and mostly on during our Saturday. We were packed tight in the wet weather tent by the benching, the ring was half under water too as it seeped in from outside and made it difficult for the first time judge Mr Barry Day to see movement of the dogs who were hopping around trying to keep their feet dry – not so bad for the exhibitors, they kept their gumboots on in the ring. The major awards once again went to CH JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL with her 9th CC and Best of Breed, and CH BELLEVILLE PREMONITION, gaining his 5th CC, but he was run very close by Rita Mitchell and RICHELL CONTRABAND JW, this was now his 5th RCC, he is by Ch Ruffnor Secret Tipple out of Ch Richell Fire Opal. Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN ONE FOR THE POT repeated her RCC in Bitches, but this time it was the turn of Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s BELLEVILLE ROLL THE DICE to win Best Puppy (Ch Belleville Thunder Struck – Belleville Tumbling Dice.)
CITY OF BIRMINGHAM A week earlier on Saturday 30th August was Terrier Day at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry with all-rounder Mr Jack Watson giving CCs to Norfolks for the first time. Back in the cow sheds again, where the drains have to be avoided, he chose CH JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL for his Best of Breed, with CH BELLEVILLE PREMONITION gaining the Dog CC. Details of these two dogs is given below. The Dog RCC was a second such award for Mr John Mitchell’s ROXWAY DIRECT LINE, bred by Tricia Broom from Penorth Storyline at Roxway out of Roxway Quickstep. 2nd in Open Bitch to Angel and winning her first RCC was Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN ONE FOR THE POT by Ch Allright Magic Trapper out ofCh Sandygrace Pot ‘O’ Gold at Brickin. KINSRIDGE TOP DOLLAR added an 8th Best Puppy award to his tally.
BOURNEMOUTH Mr Frank Cane judged the breed in the New Forest, where the weather held up under threatening skies for the classes to be completed outside. It was the turn of Jackie Phillips’ CH VICHEA PICK AND MIX to be Best of Breed, after winning her 5th Bitch CC; bred by Jane Devereux, she is by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Vichea Piquet Player; CH JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL after a great run had to be content today with the RCC. The Dog CC was the vital qualifying third Challenge Certificate for BELLEVILLE PREMONITION, (subject to ratification by the KC) owned and bred by Cathy Thompson-Morgan, by her Ch Belleville Thunder Struckout of unshown Belleville Rendition, a daughter of Ch Belleville Expression by Ch Strathinver Red Red Red; his previous CCs had been won at the SKC in May under Brenda Banbury and at East of England in July from Elisabeth Matell. The Reserve CC went to another Yorkshire exhibitor, Patsy Green and Wharfvalley Kir Royale. Best Puppy for the sixth time was KINSRIDGE TOP DOLLAR – he will be one year old on 9th September.
SOUTHERN COUNTIES. The scene switched to Newbury’s permanent showground on Saturday 30th June, where Bill Browne-Cole was judging our breed. A warm pleasant day, not too hot for the dogs and a happy atmosphere around the ringside saw four youngsters to the fore – all under 18 months, with Di Jenkins and her homebred KINSRIDGE TOP DOLLAR winning the Dog CC, Best of Breed from the puppy class – and therefore Best Puppy. He is by Kinsridge Jack Daniels, (bred via AI by Am Ch Max-well’s Cyclone x Ch Kinsridge Wild Child) out of her Ch Kinsridge Sunflower, he showed off his jauntily carried tail with great flourish. The Junior Class provided the Bitch CC winner in Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN DANCE AWAY; she is a full sister from a repeat mating of Ch Brickin Fly Away, being by Thachill Boltaway at Brickin out of Brickin Free To Roam. The dog RCC went to the JD winner, bred by Pat Broom, ROXWAY DIRECT LINE (Penorth Story Line at Roxway – Roxway Quickstep), he owned by Mr J C Mitchell, whose first Norfolk this is, although he has done well with Smooth Fox Terriers and Borzois. The bitch RCC went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s BELLEVILLE ANOTHER ANGEL, a b/t by Allright Aladin x Ch Belleville Another Smarti.
A long journey was faced by all Norfolk exhibitors to the SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB show on Saturday 17th May, where Mrs Brenda Banbury was judging an entry of 32 Norfolk Terriers. Best of Breed and making the 3rd champion of the year, went to Mrs Beatrice Phillips & Mrs Kate Tate’s JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL; she was bred by Martin Phillips, a second champion for Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Merauder Tik Tak, her previous CCs were won this year at Crufts (Mr Brian Baxter) and National Terrier (Mr Geoff Corish). Putting his first feet on the ladder with the dog CC was BELLEVILLE PREMONITION after two RCCs, Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s dog is by Ch Belleville Thunderstruck out of Belleville Rendition who was never shown – she also won the RCC in bitches with b&t BELLEVILLE ANOTHER ANGEL (Allright Aladin – Ch Belleville Another Smarti). JAEVA HOLY MOSES in the joint ownership of Mrs Beatrice Phillips & Andrew Gullick won the Dog RCC, bred by Martin Phillips he is by SA Ch Macsnest Nik The Kaluha at Collaton (imp) out of Jaeva Bit-Of-A-Bee. Best Puppy was Jill Stevenson’s dog puppy BRICKIN SMART DISGUISE (Brickin Smart Outlook – Brickin Naughty Nature).
THE NATIONAL SHOW is now held at Staffordshire County showground, Stafford; Norfolks were judged on the last day, Sunday 11th May by Mr Peter Greenwho drew an entry of 74, including 15 in Limit Bitch. It was a memorable day for Jackie Phillips and Jane Devereux when Jackie made up her first champion in black & tan VICHEA PICK AND MIX, who was also Best of Breed; she is also the first champion bred by Jane Devereux, by Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Vichea Piquet Player; she had been Best in Show at the Jubilee Norfolk Championship Show under David Saltmarsh and her second ticket had been at LKA from Andrew Gullick. The dog CC was also a first such award for Mary Atkinson’s MOORTOP HOT ROLL, who is by Ch Jaeva Hotshot out of her Ch Moortop Hobson’s Choice. The dog RCC went to Jane Devereux with VICHEA CLEVER CLOGS, a half brother to V Pick And Mix, but by Ch/SA Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage. RCC in bitches went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s CH BELLEVILLE SWEETHEART, and Cathy also won Best Puppy with her young BELLEVILLE ROLL THE DICE, their breeding is given in the paragraph on WELKS.
WELKS on Friday 25th April had very nervous weather, and the organisers decided the ground was too wet underfoot outside, so we were judged by Mr Bryan Claydonin the spacious Hall 3 on blue carpet. Following winning CCs at National Terrier and our Jubilee Ch Club Show, AM CH CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION lived up to his name by winning his 3rd crowning challenge certificate with Best of Breed to give him his English title to go with his American one; later in the afternoon, handled by Peter Green he was 2nd in the Terrier Group under Judge Mr Bryn Cadogan. Dickie is the first Norfolk to do this feat since Ch/Am Ch Daffran Dusty – ie winning his American title before his English one, although several dogs have gone to further glory in the showrings of America from England. His details are below. Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s had a good day, winning her 4th CC with her home bredCH BELLEVILLE SWEETHEART (Ch Belleville Smart Alec – Ch Belleville Sweet Cracker) and the Dog RCC with BELLEVILLE PREMONITION (Ch Belleville Thunderstruck – Belleville Rendition) and Best Puppy with BELLEVILLE ROLL THE DICE (Ch Belleville Rumour Nothing – Belleville Tumbling Dice). The RCC in bitches went to Jackie Phillips’ VICHEA PICK AND MIX (Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Vichea Picquet Player).
The new show season starts with NATIONAL TERRIER, traditionally held on the first Saturday in April, the 5th this year. The judge of Norfolk Terriers was Mr Geoff Corish, and he chose for his Best of Breed the dog CC winner AM CH CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION, who had flown over from the USA, and was handled by Peter Green for the partnership owners, Pam Beale, Stephanie Ingram, Beth Sweigart and Elisabeth Matell; this combination had previously won the Dog CC at our Jubilee Championship Show last September; Dickie is sired by German-bred Am Ch Red Cherubim’s Summer Star out of Ch/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre, the famous Coco. The bitch CC went to Mrs Beatrice Phillips & Mrs Kate Tate’s latest up and coming bitch, JAEVA FALLEN ANGEL, who repeated her Crufts triumph. Bred by Martin Phillips, she is by last year’s top winner Ch Jaeva For Petes Sake out of Merauder Tik Tak. Homebred dogs won the other awards - the RCC in dogs went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s junior, BELLEVILLE PREMONITION, who had been BP at Crufts, with the bitch RCC going to another from the Junior class, Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN DANCE AWAY, her first such award; she is by Thachill Bolt Away at Brickin out or Brickin Free To Roam. Best puppy went to Diane Jenkins’KINSRIDGE TOP DOLLAR, a dog by Kinsridge Jack Daniels ex Ch Kinsridge Sunflower.
Crufts is the show where all dogs have to qualify to enter, either by winning a Stud Book number that qualifies a dog for life, or by having been placed at a championship show the previous year. Our judge this year was Mr Brian Baxter and he drew an entry of 98 dogs with 23 absentees; judging starting at 8.30 in the morning which was a very early start for supporters as well as exhibitors. It was also the turn of the Terrier Group to be on the final day, Sunday 9th March when the crowds are the thickest, which makes for a very long tiring day.
2007 saw eight champions created,
Cherry Howard |