Champion Pedigrees 2000-2005

2005 Norfolk Terrier Champions




Pedigree Of Ch Kinsridge Cruise Control
Sex Dog
D.o.B 27/03/2004
Breeder Miss Diane Jenkins & Mr Richard Allen
Owner Miss D Jenkins, Mr R Allen & Mr N Connell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Ch Kinsridge Free 'N' Easy Jaeva Duty Free, CC Ch Richell Claret JW Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Eng/SA Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave CC
Kinsridge Magic Touch Ch Kinsridge Pugwash Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Idle Gossip of Belleville
Kinsridge Pure Magic Eng/Am Ch Elve Nick Redthorn at Belleville
Ragnolds Magic Moment
Ch Kinsridge Wild Child Ch Krisma Easy Rider Jaeva Duty Free, CC Ch Richell Claret JW
Jaeva Dutch Lace
Ch Jaeva Hells Angel at Krisma Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Ch Jaeva Hells Bells
Ch Kinsridge Chaos Ch Richell Claret JW Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Kinsridge Makin Whoopi Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Ragnolds Magic Moment
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Allright Smart Sir Byron (Imp)
Sex Dog
D.o.B 09/07/2003
Breeder Dr Frauke Hinsch
Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Ch Belleville Smart Alec Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf Elve The Mark
Elve Damson Goodbody
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Harriet Happy Toes
Belleville Born To Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond Elve Falco Rumble
Moortop Cracker
Ch Pirouette at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Ch Elve Willow Goldworthy
Ger Ch Allright Chocolate Chip Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrow's Henley Eng/Am Ch Nanfan Caper Ch Nanfan Corndodger
Nanfan Carraway
Am Ch Poole's Ide Pachysandra Eng/Am Ch Jaeva Matti Brown
Am Ch Pooles Ide Mayflower Madam
Ger Ch Allright Coconut Ger Ch Cracknor Candidate Eng/Swe/Nord Ch Nanfan Sweetcorn
Nanfan Country Cousin CC
Swe/Fin/Ger Ch Guestlings Catch Me Swe/Int Ch Easy Never Say Never Again
Swe Ch Guestlings Guess Who
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Hobson's Choice at Moortop
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 22/10/2003
Breeder Mrs B Ferrand
Owner Mrs M E Atkinson
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve
Int Ch Jaeva Buttonhole
Ragus Bright Weave CC Ch Jaeva Night-Hawk
Pottawotames Estrella
Didjim Flycatcher Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrows Henley
Ger/Fin/World Ch Allright Copper Penny
Ger/Fin/Dan/Ch Allright Magic Goblin Ger/Dan Ch Allright Lancelot
Ger Ch Chidley Magic Carpet
Didjim Chiffchaff Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night-Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Didjim Huia Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Miss Kiwi
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva Maid To Order
Sex Bitch
Breed Norfolk Terrier
D.o.B 28/10/2003
Breeder/Owner Mr. Martin Phillips
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Eng/Swe/Dan Ch Jiffy The Sky's The Limit (imp) Int/Nord Ch Porrigito Claypot Fin/Dan/Int/Swe Ch Nanfan Joystick Eng/Am Ch Nanfan Caper
Nanfan Crib
Porrigito Önskefärg Fin Ch Nanfan Copra
Porrigito Yoga
Swe/Dan/Nor Ch Jiffy Whiz Kid Swe/Nor/Int Ch Ingema's Kardemumma Guestlings Toddler Tootsie
Swe/Int Ch Guestlings Highlight
Swe/Dan/Int Ch Jaeva Ticket Eng/Am Ch Jaeva Matti Brown
Jaeva Bucks-Fizz
Jaeva Point Of Order Jaeva Red Jacket at Rosara Spitewinter Blue Chip at Jaeva Ch Jaeva Chip Butty
Kson Strictly Business at Spitewinter
Gunault Red Sauce at Jaeva Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Wharfvalley Copper Nymph of Gunalt
Jaeva Rude To Point Ch Richell Claret JW Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Point Maid Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve
Ragus Bright Weave CC
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Another Smarti
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 11/05/2002
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf Elve The Mark Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Winknor the Water Lily
Elve Damson Goodbody Ch Elve Bingo Baggins
Ch Elentari of Elve
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Ch Jaeva Brown Treacle
Harriet Happy Toes Int Ch Jaeva Blubeard
Satchville Baby Bear
Belleville Born To Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond Elve Falco Rumble Ch Kinsridge Red Pepper
Elve Iris Goldberry
Moortop Cracker Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Didjim Takahe
Ch Pirouette at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night-Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Ch Elve Willow Goldworthy Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Elve Peony
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.


2004 Norfolk Terrier Champions


Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva Gold Auric
Sex Dog
D.o.B 14/11/2003
Breeder Mr Martin Phillips
Owner Mr Andrew Gullick
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Gold Leaf Ch Jaeva Dutch Gold Ch Richell Claret
Jaeva Dutch Lace
Jaeva Top It All Ch Belleville Magic Flute
Jaeva Going Dutch
Rosara Voulezvous at Jaeva Rosara The Jazz Singer Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Jusjon Tilly Davins of Rosara 2 c.c.'s
Wish Bringer for Rosara Ch Franfoy Rythme And Blues
Rosara Billie Holiday at Jaeva
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Ruffnor Secret Tipple
Sex Dog
D.o.B 28/05/2002
Breeder/Owner Mrs Margaret Ruffles
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Cracknor Cloak'N Dagger Tjeps Red Lord Kenton of Cracknor Int Ch Allright Charlie Brown
Int/Dan Ch Roughrider Isatis Swiss Lady
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Magnificat of Hatchwoods
Ruffnor Chianti Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Margaritas Dark Lady Ch Richell Roux
Richell Bikaver
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Expression
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 23/01/2003
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Brickin Dun and Dusted Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night-Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Ch Brickin Just For Me Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Brickin Really Smart
Belleville Smartiepants Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Belleville Born To Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond
Ch Pirouette at Belleville
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Ruffnor Drumbeat
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 14/07/2000
Breeder/Owner Mrs Margaret Ruffles
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Ruffnor Drummer Boy Richell Heartbreaker Ragnolds Winter Wheat
Richell Ringlet
Richell Rose Red Richell Simply Red
Lees Caraway of Richell
Margaritas Dark Lady Ch Richell Roux Ch Jaeva Brown Sauce
Richell Painted Jezebel
Richell Bikaver Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Cracknor Cause A Stir at Richell
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 09/07/1998
Breeder Miss Elisabeth Matell
Owner Mrs Rita Mitchell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C. Eng/Swe/Nord Ch Nanfan Sweetcorn
Hatchwoods Humbug (1cc)
Magnificat of Hatchwoods Ch Nanfan Catmint
Nanfan Calypso
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Cantab Cut The Mustard for Cracknor (Imp)
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 30/12/2001
Breeders Mr & Mrs Kenneth Eliasson
Owner Miss Elisabeth Matell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Nor/Swe Ch Peppermint Adorabel Avalanche Ger.Ch. Porrigito Huckleberryfinn Int/Nord Ch Porrigito Claypot
Efras Gåva
Nor Ch Adorabel Just Like Peppermint Nord/Fin Ch Lurifax Blixt Och Dunder
Int/Swe/Nor Ch Adorabel Heavy
Eng/Swe Ch Cracknor Courtesycut Cracknor Close Call c.c. Ch Ryslip Here Comes Trouble
Nanfan Calico
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Magnificat of Hatchwoods
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Brickin Held to Ransom
Sex Dog
D.o.B 02/11/2002
Breeder/Owner Mrs Jill Stevenson
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Brickin Hit And Run Ch Krisma Easy Rider Jaeva Duty Free
Ch Jaeva Hells Angel at Krisma
Brickin Just A Minute Ch Jaeva Chip Butty
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Ch Brickin Just For Me Ch Salette Gold Bullion Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Ch Salette Pennyfarthing
Brickin Really Smart Elve Roland Redleaf
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Rouletta Russet Leaf
Sex Dog
D.o.B 29/04/2000
Breeders/Owners Mr and Mrs T. Chambers
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrows Henley
Ger/Fin/World Ch Allright Copper Penny
Ger/Fin/Dan Ch Allright Magic Goblin Ger/Dan Ch Allright Lancelot
Ger Ch Chidley Magic Carpet
Rouletta Crispin Leaf Rouletta Spartan Leaf Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Blakedale Golden Sunset
Rouletta Cherry Leaf Ch Nanfan Creole
Rouletta Golden Rain Leaf
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Penny Lane
Sex Bitch
Breed Norfolk Terrier
D.o.B 21/09/2002
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Belleville Smart Alec Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Belleville Born To Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond
Ch Pirouette at Belleville
Belleville Morning Song Ch Belleville Magic Flute Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp)
Ch Pirouette at Belleville
Belleville Morningcloud Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Malbis Jenny Wren
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.


2003 Norfolk Terrier Champions



Pedigree Of Ch Kinsridge Free N'Easy
Sex Dog
D.o.B 20/06/2002
Breeders/Owners Miss D. Jenkins and Mr R. Allen
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave C.C.
Kinsridge Magic Touch Ch Kinsridge Pugwash Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Idle Gossip of Belleville
Kinsridge Pure Magic Eng/Am Ch Elve Nick Redthorn at Belleville
Ragnolds Magic Moment
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Brickin Hit And Run
Sex Dog
D.o.B 01/03/2001
Breeder/Owner Mrs Jill Stevenson
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Krisma Easy Rider Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret
Jaeva Dutch Lace
Ch Jaeva Hells Angel at Krisma Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Ch Jaeva Hells Bells
Brickin Just A Minute Ch Jaeva Chip Butty Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Ch Jaeva Betty Blue
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Harriet Happy Toes
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva Party Polatics
Sex Dog
D.o.B 11/27/2001
Breeder Mr Martin Phillips
Owners Mr M. Phillips, Mr A. Gullick and Mrs K. Tate
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Jaeva Mr Chips Eng/Am Ch Jaeva Matti Brown Ch Crackshill Hardy
Jaeva Bobby Sox
Jaeva Bucks Fizz Ch Elve Bingo Baggins
Osmor Babycham
Rosara Voulezvous at Jaeva Rosara The Jazz Singer Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Jusjon Tilly Davins of Rosara 2 c.c.'s
Wishbringer for Rosara Ch Franfoy Rhythme and Blues
Rosara Billie Holiday at Jaeva
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Sun King
Sex Dog
D.o.B 04/24/2001
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrows Henley
Ger/Fin/World Ch Allright Copper Penny
Ger/Fin/Dan Ch Allright Magic Goblin Ger/Dan Ch Allright Lancelot
Ger Ch Chidley Magic Carpet
Belleville Morning Sun Ch Wharfvalley Diamond Chip Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Wharfvalley Midges Gem
Belleville Morningcloud Ch Wharfvalley Diamond Chip
Malbis Jenny Wren
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva It's A Rumour
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 06/30/2001
Breeder Mr Martin Phillips
Owners Mr G. Fishlock and Mr A. Gullick
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Brickin Current Scandal Happy Go Lucky to Brickin Ch Strathinver Red Red Red
Belleville Cloudkisses
Brickin Tittle Tattle Ch Jaeva Chip Butty
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Jaeva Xmas Carol Jaeva Break Dance Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Ch Jaeva Jitter Bug
Jaeva Morning Chorus Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Jaeva Chorus
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Kinsridge Wild Child
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 10/03/2001
Breeders/Owners Miss D. Jenkins and Mr R. Allen
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Krisma Easy Rider Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret
Jaeva Dutch Lace
Ch Jaeva Hells Angel at Krisma Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Ch Jaeva Hells Bells
Ch Kinsridge Chaos Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Kinsridge Makin Whoopi Ch Gregarths Goldfinch
Ragnolds Magic Moment
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Eng/Swe/Dan Ch Jiffy the Sky's the Limit (imp)
Sex Dog
D.o.B 26/11/2000
Breeder Miss H. Ericsson
Owners Mr M. Phillips, Mr A. Gullick and Mrs K. Tate
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Int/Nord Ch Porrigito Claypot Fin/Dan/Int/Swe Ch Nanfan Joystick Eng/Am Ch Nanfan Caper
Nanfan Crib
Porrigito Önskefårg Fin Ch Nanfan Copra
Porrigito Yoga
Swe/Dan/Nor Ch Jiffy Whiz Kid Swe/Nor/Int Ch Ingema's Kardemumma Guestlings Toddler Tootsie
Swe/Int Ch Guestlings Highlight
Swe/Dan/Int Ch Jaeva Ticket Eng/Am Ch Jaeva Matti Brown
Jaeva Bucks-Fizz
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Sweet Nothings
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 10/04/02
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Belleville Smart Alec Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty
Belleville Born to Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond
Ch Pirouette at Belleville
Ch Belleville Sweet Cracker Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack
Ger/Fin/Dan/Ch Allright Magic Goblin
Moortop Cracker Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Didjim Takahe
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Star Struck
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 09/06/2001
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Belleville Premium Bond Elve Falco Rumble Ch Kinsridge Red Pepper
Elve Iris Goldberry
Moortop Cracker Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Didjim Takahe
Ch Belleville Star Thistle Ch Strathinver Red Red Red Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve
Strathinver Red Shoes
Sweet Pea at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Sallywag Tail
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.


2002 Norfolk Terrier Champions



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Sweet Cracker
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 31/10/1999
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrows Henley
Ger/Fin/World Ch Allright Copper Penny
Ger/Fin/Dan Ch Allright Magic Goblin Ger/Dan Ch Allright Lancelot
Ger Ch Chidley Magic Carpet
Moortop Cracker Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Didjim Takahe Ch Pipridges Hustler
Miss Kiwi
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Cracknor Call The Shots
Sex Dog
D.o.B 25/06/1998
Breeder/Owner Miss Elisabeth Matell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Cracknor Cloak'N Dagger Tjeps Red Lord Kenton of Cracknor Int Ch Allright Charlie Brown
Int/Dan Ch Roughrider Isatis Swiss Lady
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Magnificat of Hatchwoods
Ch Cracknor Call My Bluff Cracknor Close Call c.c. Ch Ryslip Here Comes Trouble
Nanfan Calico
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Magnificat of Hatchwoods
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Merauder Stamp Duty at Jaeva
Sex Dog
D.o.B 27/04/2000
Breeder Mr Andrew Gullick
Owners Mr M. Phillips, Mr A. Gullick and Mrs K. Tate
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave C.C.
Blakedale Golden Saffron Ch Jaeva Mr Chips Eng/Am Ch Jaeva Matti Brown
Jaeva Bucks Fizz
Blakedale Glint Of Gold Dual c.c. Ch Franfoy Rythme And Blues
Franfoy Apple Sauce at Blakedale
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Hell To Play at Jaeva
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 09/02/2000
Breeders Mr M. Phillips and Ms S. Lawson
Owner Mr M. Phillips
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Spitewinter Blue Chip at Jaeva Ch Jaeva Chip Butty Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Ch Jaeva Betty Blue
Kson Strictly Business at Spitewinter Nanfan Culpepper of Titanium c.c.
Kson Wee Saucy Brown
Jaeva Hellmaker Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve
Int Ch Jaeva Buttonhole
Ch Jaeva Hells Bells Eng/Am Ch Beenaben Beau Brummel at Jaeva
Jaeva Bubble Squeek
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Richell Fire Opal
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 22/10/1998
Breeder/Owner Mrs Rita Mitchell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Ch Richell Black Pearl Ch Jaeva Chip Butty Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Ch Jaeva Betty Blue
Richell Red Jewel Richell Simply Red
Richell Ringlet
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Smart Alec
Sex Dog
D.o.B 30/08/2000
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Brickin Get Smart Elve Roland Redleaf Elve The Mark
Elve Damson Goodbody
Harrijen Ho Ty Toi Ty Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Harriet Happy Toes
Belleville Born To Dance Ch Belleville Premium Bond Elve Falco Rumble
Moortop Cracker
Ch Pirouette at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager
Ch Elve Willow Goldworthy
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.


2001 Norfolk Terrier Champions



Pedigree Of Ch Foxhouse Step Ahead to Kinsridge
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 10/03/2000
Breeder Mrs Maureen McPhee
Owners Miss D. Jenkins and Mr R. Allen
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave C.C.
Kinsridge Footsteps Ch Kinsridge Pugwash Ch Jaeva Mr Chips
Idle Gossip of Belleville
Ch Kinsridge Chaos Ch Richell Claret
Kinsridge Makin Whoopi
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Magic Flute
Sex Dog
D.o.B 09/16/1999
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) Int/Ger/Fin Ch Allright Gimcrack Am/Ger/Fin Ch Yarrows Henley
Ger/Fin/World Ch Allright Copper Penny
Ger/Fin/Dan Ch Allright Magic Goblin Ger/Dan Ch Allright Lancelot
Ger Ch Chidley Magic Carpet
Ch Pirouette at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Ch Elve Willow Goldworthy Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Elve Peony
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva Luv-A-Duck
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 29/11/1997
Breeder Mr Martin Phillips
Owners Mr M. Phillips, Mr A. Gullick and Mrs K. Tate
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Eng/Swe Ch Jaeva Square Dance Ch Salette Gold Bullion Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Ch Salette Pennyfarthing
Ch Jaeva Jitter Bug Ch Jaeva Danceman
Bo-Peep at Jaeva
Ch Jaeva Night Light Ch Jaeva Night Hawk Int Ch Jaeva Bluebeard
Bo-Peep at Jaeva
Ch Pottawotames Chilula Of Ruddles Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Pottawotames Pawnee
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Kinsridge Chaos
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 30/09/1996
Breeder Miss D. Jenkins
Owners Miss D. Jenkins and Mr R. Allen
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Kinsridge Makin Whoopi Ch Gregarths Goldfinch Ch Squirreldene Thumper
Pottawotames Bountiful
Ragnolds Magic Moment Ragnolds Over And Under
Ragnolds As Time Goes By
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.


2000 Norfolk Terrier Champions



Pedigree Of Ch Belleville Star Thistle
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 03.03.1999
Breeder/Owner Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Strathinver Red Red Red Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve Ch Salette Gold Bullion
Pottawotames Nipewais
Strathinver Red Shoes Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Jaeva Limeric at Strathinver
Sweet Pea at Belleville Ch Belleville Cloudvoyager Ch Jaeva Night Hawk
Ch Belleville Cloudscape
Sallywag Tail Eng/Am Ch Elve Nick Redthorn at Belleville
Keness Maise
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Rosara Love Me Do at Jaeva
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 17.06.1999
Breeders Mr & Mrs I. Gray
Owner Mr Martin Phillips
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave C.C.
Rosara Lorelei Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva Ch Elve Cloudyhead
Ch Jaeva Brown Treacle
Jusjon Tilly Davins of Rosara 2 c.c.'s Ch Elve Bingo Baggins
Jusjon Little Annie
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Krisma Easy Rider
Sex Dog
D.o.B 19.03.1999
Breeder/Owner Mrs Dot Britten
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Jaeva Duty Free Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace
Ch Richell Lady In Red
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage
Ragus Bright Weave C.C.
Ch Jaeva Hells Angel at Krisma Ch Gregarths Goldfinch Ch Squirreldene Thumper
Pottawotames Bountiful
Ch Jaeva Hells Bells Eng/Am Ch Beenaben Beau Brummel at Jaeva
Jaeva Bubble Squeek
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.



Pedigree Of Ch Jaeva Dutch Gold
Sex Dog
D.o.B 22.03.1998
Breeder Mr Martin Phillips
Owners Mr M. Phillips and Mr A. Gullick
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Jaeva Dutch Lace Ch Jaeva Dutch Courage Pottawotames Goyathlay of Elve
Int Ch Jaeva Buttonhole
Ragus Bright Weave C.C. Ch Jaeva Night Hawk
Pottawotames Estrella
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.




Pedigree Of Eng/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre
Sex Bitch
D.o.B 09/07/1998
Breeder/Owner Miss Elisabeth Matell
Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents
Ch Richell Claret Ch Richell Red Ace Ch The Buccaneer of Jaeva
Richell Rouge
Ch Richell Lady In Red Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C.
Richell Painted Jezebel
Hatchwoods Madrigal Hatchwoods Bugsy Malone C.C. Eng/Swe/Nord Ch Nanfan Sweetcorn
Hatchwoods Humbug (1cc)
Magnificat of Hatchwoods Ch Nanfan Catmint
Nanfan Calypso
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Mrs Cherry Howard.