The final championship show of the year, Ladies Kennel Association, held at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham on 10th December created the last champion of the year in CH JAEVA GOLD AURIC from the Junior Class, judged by Mr Max King. Now owned and shown by Andrew Gullick, ‘Woody’ was bred by Martin Phillips rather accidentally by Jaeva Gold Leaf ex Rosara Voulezvous at Jaeva, and has had an outstanding unbeaten run in Puppy Classes, being Best Puppy at every show he has entered. He celebrated his 3rd CC at the age of one year and one month by being placed third in the Terrier Group judged by Mr J.G. Reynolds from Canada. His kennel mate, JAEVA MAID TO ORDER with Martin Phillips won her first CC. She is by the imported dog, Swe/Dan/EngCh Jiffy The Sky’s The Limit ex Jaeva Point Of Order. Reserve CCs went to Jill Stevenson’s CH BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM in dogs and Margaret Ruffles’s CH RUFFNOR DRUMBEAT in bitches. Best Puppy was Di Jenkins and Richard Allen’sKINSRIDGE CRUISE CONTROL.

The Judge at the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Christmas Open Show was Margaret Ruffles, who drew a very good entry. Her choice for Top Dog was the leading puppy of this year, now a junior, Andrew Gullick's JAEVA GOLD AURIC, who was bred and originally co-owned by Martin Phillips. Martin's own junior winning bitch, JAEVA MAID TO ORDER was reserve Best Bitch to Cathy Thompson-Morgan's BELLEVILLE ANOTHER SMARTI, the Best Opposite Sex winner from the Open Class. Reserve Best Dog was Rita Mitchell's OFF THE CUFF BY RICHELL. Best puppy was the Minor Puppy Dog winner, BRICKIN GONE WALKABOUT owned by Jill Stevenson. The new venue at Brackley Leisure Centre proved to be very successful with plenty of space - and warm enough. There was easy parking adjacent to the hall and it was not too difficult to find, thanks to the instructions and maps provided. The vast hall proved quite a challenge for the decorations provided by Dorothy Taylor and Carole Goldsmith and other members of the committee, but there was plenty of room for the Christmas tree. There were various displays, including examples of what is shown on this website put up by Sally Willbie, and another table with an interesting collection of archive material provided by Patsy Green. The Club Stand, run by Dorothy and Gina Dorkins had room to spread, and the silver cups on another table looked very impressive. A running buffet throughout the show was much appreciated by everyone.

The Norfolk Terrier Club of GB celebrated their Ruby Anniversary at the 2004 Championship Show on Saturday 25thSeptember at Steventon Village Hall near Didcot. It was a very special occasion judged by Norfolk specialist Mrs Liz Cartledge. To add to the celebrations, both challenge certificate winners were made up as champions at the show. The dog CC and Best of Breed went to CH RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE; he has had a wonderful month following his success in Scotland in August and a fortnight later at Richmond. Owned and bred by Margaret Ruffles, he is by Ch Cracknor Cloak ‘N’ Dagger out of Ruffnor Chianti. The RDCC went to Tom & Maureen Chambers’
CH ROULETTA RUSSET LEAF. Cathy Thompson-Morgan was delighted that CH BELLEVILLE EXPRESSION can now add the title to her name; she had won CCs previously at Scotland in May and at Paignton in July. She is by Brickin Dun And Dusted out of Belleville Smartipants. The bitch RCC went to Martin Phillips withJAEVA MAID TO ORDER, who was also Best Puppy. The Open Dog class was outstanding including six champions – two had come from Sweden and South Africa to compete. We welcomed other exhibitors from Germany, and friends from all over the world.

Norfolks at Darlington on 18th September were judged by Mrs Judy Averis. There were several absentees from her entry of 25, and she chose for her BoB the dog CC winner, Diane Jenkins’ & Richard Allen’s CH KINSRIDGE FREE ‘N’ EASY; this brings his tally of CCs won to 12. RDCC & Best Puppy was another win for JAEVA GOLD AURIC, owned by Andrew Gullick. Cathy Thompson-Morgan collected both the bitch CC with BELLEVILLE ANOTHER SMARTI and the RBCC her puppy, BELLEVILLE TUMBLING DICE, the first such award for both of them.

Cathy Thompson-Morgan judged Norfolks for the first time atRichmond, which was held at its new venue at Loseley Park near Guildford on Friday 10th September. Margaret Ruffles had a very special day winning both CCs with RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE(his second) and the BCC and Best of Breed with CH RUFFNOR DRUMBEAT, who is on a roll at the moment. The Dog RCC was Jill Stevenson’s CH BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM, but the Bitch RCC went to a puppy, OKTUMI ELS ANGEL, and to exhibitors new to the breed, (but highly experienced in Akitas), Mr & Mrs C.N. and S.A. Jones. Best Puppy however was won again Diane Jenkins & Richard Allen’s SAREDON SHADES OF RED FOR KINSRIDGE.

Ch Ruffnor Drumbeat
City of Birmingham had breed specialist judge, Mr Jon Rudkin,officiating . Margaret Ruffles was thrilled to win her 3rd qualifying CC and go Best of Breed with her black & tan home bred bitch,CH RUFFNOR DRUMBEAT (subject to KC confirmation). She is by her Ch Ruffnor Drummer Boy ex Margaritas Dark Lady; her previous CCs were won last year at Wales (Lesley Crawley) and at The National this year (Eileen Needham). RCC to her was Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s BELLEVILLE EXPRESSION. The Dog CC winner was CH ROULETTA RUSSET LEAF (Ch Allright Magic Trapper (imp) ex Rouletta Crispin Leaf), owned by Tom & Maureen Chambers, and the RCC went to Rita Mitchell’s OFF THE CUFF BY RICHELL. Best puppy from the Post Graduate class was SAREDON SHADES OF RED FOR KINSRIDGE, now in the ownership of Diane Jenkins & Richard Allen. In the shed at Stoneleigh, several of the dogs took great exception to the carpeted ring which covered two underlying drains; these clanked noisily if trodden on, which definitely put off some of the exhibits.

Mrs Nenne Runsten from Sweden was the judge at The Scottish Kennel Club’s August championship show on 28th August – this is the last time the breed will have CCs at this show. She chose for her Best of Breed Elisabeth Matell’s Swedish imported bitch
CH CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR, who was winning her 4th CC but first BoB this year. Margaret Ruffles was delighted that her dog RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE won his first CC after two RCCs this year – they had travelled up from Kent together, so the journey home felt much shorter after their triumphs. ‘George’ is by Ch Cracknor Cloak ‘N’ Dagger out of Ruffnor Chianti. RCC in dogs and Best Puppy once more was Andrew Gullick’sJAEVA GOLD AURIC, by Jaeva Gold Leaf x Rosara Voulezvous at Jaeva, with the Bitch RCC going to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’sBELLEVILLE ANOTHER SMARTIE, by Ch Brickin Get Smart x Belleville Born To Dance.

Mr Terry Thorn judged Norfolks at the
Welsh Kennel Club Ch Show on 21st August. His choice for the Dog CC, Best of Breed and Best Puppy was JAEVA GOLD AURIC, now in the sole ownership of Andrew Gullick. This dog is having a remarkable run; this is his second CC and Best of Breed, and he has been Best Puppy at every show he has entered. RCC was CH KINSRIDGE FREE ‘N’ EASY owned by Diane Jenkins & Richard Allen. The bitch winners were both first-timers, the CC going to Maureen McPhee’s KINSRIDGE ROCK CHICK AT FOXHOUSE, (Foxhouse Forever Freddy x Kinsridge Party Popper) and the RCC to Jane Devereux’s VICHEA RED ROULETTE, (Jaeva Tan Dori xVichea Square Peg) both lightly shown this season.

Bournemouth Canine Association Ch Show was judged by
Mrs Maureen Micklethwaite on 14th August.
CH KINSRIDGE FREE ‘N’ EASY continued on his winning ways with the Dog CC and Best of Breed for owner/breeders Diane Jenkins and Richard Allen. To great applause the bitch CC was a qualifying 3rd for Mrs Rita Mitchell’s CH CRACKNOR CAUSE A STIR AT RICHELL, after 9 reserve CCs. Bred by Elisabeth Matell, she is a litter sister of Eng/Am Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre (Top Winner USA ,2003). This gives their sire, Ch Richell Claret his 7th champion and their dam, Hatchwoods Madrigal her 5th champion offspring ( by three different dogs), including the Top Bitch Winner in England in 1996 with Ch Cracknor Call My Bluff, a remarkable record. RCCs went to Margaret Ruffles’s RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE and Elisabeth Matell’s CH CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR – both bred from two other of Madrigal’s champions,Ch Cracknor Cloak ‘n’ Dagger and Eng/Swe Ch Cracknor Courtesy Cut. Just to keep it in the family, Richell Bovver Boots, Cause A Stir’sson, was Best Puppy.

At Paignton Ch Show the Norfolk judge was Maurice Marshall on Friday 16th July. He chose this year’s top puppy, 9 month old JAEVA GOLD AURIC jointly owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick to win the Dog CC and Best of Breed, and of course he was Best Puppy. The Bitch CC was a second for Cathy Thompson-Morgan’sBELLEVILLE EXPRESSION. Martin Phillips won the bitch RCC with JAEVA PENNY WISE, and the RCC in dogs went to recently-crowned CH BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM, owned by Jill Stevenson, who is equally as successful with her stud of Shetland ponies, having just produced the champion at The Royal Show.

The judge at East of England was Martin Phillips and Best of Breed and Dog CC winner was once again the leading dog at the half-way point, Diane Jenkins and Richard Allen’s
He chose the first foreign-bred bitch to be made up this year in Elisabeth Matell’s
CH CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD AT CRACKNOR (subject to KC approval). She was bred in Sweden by Kenneth and Marita Eliasson, who had successfully showed her there last year as a puppy, and Marita had also piloted her to the RCC at Crufts this year. In recent weeks in Elisabeth’s hands she won her first CC at Three Counties and her second at Windsor. Elisabeth bred her dam, Ch Cracknor Courtesycut, another champion offspring of Hatchwoods Madrigal, and ‘Iris’ is sired by Nor/Swe Ch Peppermint Adorabel Avalanche owned by Anna Johnson in Norway.

(Photo Carol Ann Johnson)
Windsor Ch Show on Friday 2nd July saw the return of CCs to the breed and celebrated by producing the 3rd champion of the year in CH BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM, owned and homebred by Jill Stevenson. The judge was specialist, Bryan Claydon of the Brymarden affix. ‘Rocket’ who is by Ch Brickin Hit And Run out ofCh Brickin Just For Me, went on to be placed 4th in the Group (Judge Paul Wilkinson). Elisabeth Matell’s CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR won her 2nd CC in bitches, with the RCC going to Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s BELLEVILLE EXPRESSION. The dog RCC went to Tom & Maureen Chambers’CH ROULETTA RUSSET LEAF. Best Puppy again for Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick was JAEVA GOLD AURIC. There was a happy Norfolk party after the judging for exhibitors and friends, organised by Elisabeth, where a toast was given to Cathy’s new baby, Hannah.

CH KINSRIDGE FREE ‘N EASY, owned and bred by Di Jenkins and Richard Allen returned to triumph winning the Dog CC and Best of Breed at both Border Union and Three Counties. At Border Union on Sunday 20th June, where the judge was Frank Edwards, the bitch CC winner was a first for Martin Phillips’s JAEVA PENNY WISE. Another to do the double with RCC & Best Puppy at both shows was JAEVA GOLD AURIC, owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick. The RBCC was another for Cathy Morgan-Thompson’s kennel, BELLEVILLE ANOTHER SMARTIE.

Four days earlier, Geoff Corish had judged at Three Counties on Thursday 17th June, where his bitch CC winner was Elisabeth Matell’sCANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR, bred by Kenneth & Marita Eliasson in Sweden. RCC in bitches was Rita Mitchell’s CRACKNOR CAUSE A STIR AT RICHELL, her 9thsuch award, returning to the ring after maternal duties.

Southern Counties now near Newbury, with Judge Frank Foy, took place on 5th June. His choice for the Dog CC and Best of Breed was Jill Stevenson’s BRICKIN HELD TO RANSOM, his second such award. The Bitch CC winner was CH BELLEVILLE PENNY LANE, owned and bred by Cathy Thompson-Morgan, who also bred the best puppy with BELLEVILLE GAMBLING MAN. The RCC in dogs went to Rita Mitchell’s OFF THE CUFF BY RICHELL, with the bitch RCC going to Martin Phillips’s JAEVA PENNY WISE.

(Photo Edwin)
Andrew Brace judged at the Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show on 16th May, where the second Norfolk champion of the year was created in the Crufts dog CC winner, CH ROULETTA RUSSET LEAF, who was also Best of Breed. He is the first Norfolk champion to be owned by Tom & Maureen Chambers, though they have had great success with their Norwich Terriers. The bitch CC was a first forBELLEVILLE EXPRESSION from the Junior Class, owned by Cathy Thompson-Morgan, with the bitch RCC to her kennelmate CH BELLEVILLE PENNY LANE. The Dog RCC went to Margaret Ruffles’s RUFFNOR SECRET TIPPLE. Best puppy went toJAEVA GOLD AURIC belonging to Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick.

On Saturday 8th May The National Dog Show was held at the Stafford County Showground. Norfolks were judged by Eileen Needham, past President and formerly Secretary of The Norfolk Terrier Club, who has owned, shown and bred this breed for over 30 years. Her choice on this day was for black and tans; winning Best of Breed and Dog CC was ENG/SWE/DAN CH JIFFY THE SKY’S THE LIMIT (IMP) owned by Martin Phillips & Andrew Gullick.RUFFNOR DRUMSONG, owned by Margaret Ruffles, won the bitch CC, her second such award, and Best Puppy was another black and tan bitch, Dorothy Dorkins’s LOWMITA LOVE IN A MIST.Reserve CCs went to the reds, CH KINSRIDGE FREE ‘N’ EASY of Diane Jenkins & Richard Allen, and the BRCC to the newly-crownedCH BELLEVILLE PENNY LANE owned by Cathy Thompson-Morgan.

The first of the summer outdoor shows WELKS (West of England Ladies Kennel Club) was blessed with beautiful sunny weather.
In the past it has been drenching downpours or even snow storms. But on Saturday 26th April the sun shone for the Judge, Mrs Anne E. Forman, and ENG/SWE/DAN CH JIFFY THE SKY'S THE LIMIT (IMP), owned by Martin Phillips and Andrew Gullick who was Best of Breed and Dog CC winner. Gaining her third qualifying ticket, the Bitch CC winner was CH BELLEVILLE PENNY LANE, owned by Cathy Thompson-Morgan.
Last year's most successful puppy, she is homebred by Ch Belleville Smart Alec out of Belleville Morning Song.
Congratulations are due to Sarah Davies and BOWANNE FOXTROT FREDDIE AT BAGATELLE, the Dog RCC winner, their first such major award in the breed. He was bred by Mr A.C. Bowes by Titanium Black Prince - Bewley Willow of Penorth. Freddie won the Norfolk Terrier Club's American Trophy last year for his many wins in Open Shows.
The Bitch RCC winner was Cathy Tompson-Morgan'sBELLEVILLE EXPRESSION, who is by Brickin Dun And Dusted out of Belleville Smartipants.

The National Terrier Club's Championship Show took place on Saturday 3rd April, when the Norfolk judge was Mrs Sue McCourt. Best of Breed and Dog CC winner was Diane Jenkins & Richard Allen's CH KINSRIDGE FREE N EASY, (by Jaeva Duty Free - Kinsridge Magic Touch).
RCC in dogs was ENG/SWE/DAN CH JIFFY THE SKY'S THE LIMIT (IMP), (by Int Ch Porrigito Claypot - Swe/Dan/Nor Ch Jiffy Whiz Kid); the joint owners are Andrew Gullick and Martin Phillips.
The bitch CC, her second, went to Cathy Thompson-Morgan'sBELLEVILLE PENNY LANE (by Ch Belleville Smart Alec - Belleville Morning Song).
The Bitch RCC went to Margaret Ruffles's RUFFNOR DRUMBEAT, a black & tan by her Ch Ruffnor Drummer Boy - Margaritas Dark Lady.

CRUFTS is the special show, for which all entries have to qualify at championship shows the previous year. This year our breed judge wasMrs Dorothy Dorkins.

and Cathy Thompson-Morgan triumphed by winning Group 2 in the Terrier Group under judge Mr Ronnie Irving. Cathy had earlier piloted her through to win Best of Breed and the Bitch CC, repeating her BoB success of last year.
The dog CC was won by Mr Tom & Mrs Maureen ChambersROULETTA RUSSET LEAF, who was winning his second CC. He is a son of Ch Allright Magic Trapper, imported from Dr Frauke Hinsch in Germany as a puppy ex homebred Rouletta Crispin Leaf.
The Swedish import ENG/SWE/DAN CH JIFFY THE SKY'S THE LIMIT, shown by Martin Phillips but in joint ownership with Andrew Gullick won the Dog RCC, and another Swedish imported bitch now owned by Elisabeth Matell, CANTAB CUT THE MUSTARD FOR CRACKNOR was the bitch RCC, she was elegantly handled by her breeder, Mrs Marita Eliason.
Best Puppy was Cathy Thompson-Morgan’s Belleville Expression.
Norfolks have been gathering headlines already this year from their representative
CH KINSRIDGE FREE N EASY, owned by Miss Diane Jenkins and Mr Richard Allen. He was runner-up in the final of the huge Pup Of The Year competition and also Group 2 at Manchester Ch. Show from the non separately classified terrier classes. And not to be forgotten, ENG/AM CH CAUSE CELEBRE won the Terrier Group at Westminster in the USA.

Nine champions were made up last year in the UK,
four bitches:
and five dogs
Cherry Howard