The AGM of the NTC of GB
took place on April 10th 2005 at Roade, Northants.
The President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Committee gave their reports, a number of resolutions were passed and the results of voting were announced.
The positions of all the Officers remain the same as does the Newsletter Editor, but Helena Jupp and Margaret Ruffles join the Committee following the retirement of Lesley Harpham and Andrew Gullick.
The new Cup Stewards are Cherry Stones for the Open Shows and Jane Lloyd for the Championship Show.
The judge for the championship Show in 2007 is David Saltmarsh and Dorothy Taylor was re-elected as Committee Chairman.
Our President Cherry Howard presented the major awards for 2004 show season to the winners.

Cherry Stones, the new Cup Steward arranged a beautiful
display of the Club’s cups and trophies

of Coco’s triumph at Crufts.