The Norfolk and Norwich Terrier Fun Day
Saturday 26th August 2023 at Baginton Village Hall
Report by Gail Simpson, NTCGB President and ‘MC’ of the Fun Day
I must start with a huge thank you to the Norwich Terrier Club, who hosted this year’s event. As usual it was a brilliant day, lots of Norfolk and Norwich Terrier fans, about 100 dogs registered to compete and even the weather managed to stay good for us.
I enjoyed being MC of the event again this year, accompanied in the centre of the ring of course by Martyn Howes who does such a marvellous job of keeping track of who comes where and who wins what!!!
A huge thank you as well to Sarah Aldred, for taking hundreds of photos during the day – naturally we can’t show them all, so there’s just a few dotted around this report and you can find loads more on the NTCGB Facebook page.
Class 1 – Dog with the Waggiest Tail (Judge: Alan Haynes)
- Phoebie (Norfolk) – Janet Briggs
- Milly (Norfolk) - Liz Moor
- Winnie (Norfolk x Border) – Holly Delport
- Lottie (Norfolk) – Sue Pinnell
- Indi (Norwich) – Kay Dix
Class 2 – Prettiest Bitch (Judge: Trevor Aldred)
- Luna (Norfolk) – Louise Kilshaw
- Phoebie (Norfolk) - Janet Briggs
- Indi (Norwich) – Kay Dix
- Winnie (Norfolk x Border) – Holly Delport
- Indiana (Norwich) – Charlotte Moses

Class 3 – Handsomest Dog (Judge: Helen Price)
- Cabhan (Norfolk) – Janet Howes
- Benji (Norfolk) – Tim Noon
- Oliver (Norwich) – Janet Wickings
- Basil (Norfolk) – Pauline Hale
- Bob (Norfolk) – Vicky Lee
Class 4 – Dog the Judge would most like to take home (Judge: Frank Payne)
- Winnie (Norfolk x Border) – Holly Delport
- Luna (Norfolk) – Louise Kilshaw
- Harley (Norfolk) – Judith Briggs
- Harley (Norfolk) – Olivia Dragon
- Benji (Norfolk) - Tim Noon
Class 5 – Best Sausage Catcher (Judge: Martyn Howes). Wins the John Rudkin Memorial Trophy
- Bill (Norfolk) – Stephen Johnson

Class 6 - Best Veteran 7-10 years old (Judge: Andre Hess)
- Mr Ted – (Norfolk) - Pat Stevenson
- Basil - (Norwich) - Terry Short
- Ollie - (Norfolk) – Christine Tickle
- Tilly (Westie) – Dawn & David Webb
- Bill - (Norfolk) - Stephen Johnson
Class 7 – Vintage Dog or Bitch (11 yrs & Over) – (Judge: Andre Hess)
1. Lottie - (Norfolk) – Sue Pinnell
2. Megan – (Norwich) – Joyce Hillsdon
3. Mabel - (Norfolk) - Fiona Macartney
4. Harry (Norfolk) - Maureen Burrell
5. Molly – (Norfolk) - Judith Briggs

Class 8 - Most Appealing Puppy (Judge: Tony Pinnell)
- Milly (Norfolk) – Liz Moor
- Winnie – (Norfolk x Border) – Holly Delport
- Poppet – Norfolk) – Liz Furey
- Saatchi – (Norwich) – Jacky Doe
- Patsy – (Jack Russell) – Olivia Dragon

Class 9 – Best Family from the same Household (Judge: Amee Morris}
- Mavis & Frankie (Norwich) – Clare Alloway
- Rosy & Reggie (Norwich) – Nicky Crosthwaite
- Horace, Billy & Tia - (Norwich + Tibetan Terrier) – Sonia Wren
- Pixie, Tilly & Ted - (Norwich & Westie) - Dawn & David Webb
- Pippin & Poppet - (Norfolk) – Liz Furey

Class 10 – Best Six Legs (Judge: Melissa Davis)
- Luna (Norfolk) & Louise Kilshaw
- Benji (Norfolk) & Tina Noon
- Patsy (Jack Russell)) & Olivia Dragon
- Toast (Norwich) & Geoffrey Palmer
- Strider (Norfolk) & Ian Brittain
Class 11 – Best 100 Miles or over Travelled (Judge: Philip Skyrme)
- Patsy & Harley (Jack Russell & Norfolk) – Oliwia Dragon’s family (from Warsaw, Poland)
- Basil (Norwich) – Terry Short
- Toast (Norwich) – Geoffrey Palmer
- Branston & Daisy (Cairn & Westie) – Sandra Payne
- Toby & Dougal (Norfolk & X breed terrier) – Sarah & Trevor Aldred
Class 12 – Most talented Dog or Bitch – (Judge: Karen Beaton)
- Leo (Norwich) - Paula Hadlum
- Toby (Norfolk) - Sarah & Trevor Aldred
- Freddie (Norfolk) - Karen Bullinaire
- Bertie (Norwich) - Marcia Goddard
- Ivy (Norfolk) - Olivia Dragon
Class 13 – Junior Handling 6-11 Years – (Judge: Lisa West)
- Winnie (Norfolk X Border) - Holly Delport
- Sunny (Norfolk) - Louise Kilshaw
- Luna (Norfolk) – Louise Kilshaw
Class 14 – Junior Handling 12-16 Years – (Judge: Lisa West)
- Orla (Norfolk) – Charlie Price
- Stanley (Norfolk) - Rose Ward
Winner of the Trophy for Best Junior Handler
Charlie Price with Orla

Class 15 – Adult Handling: J H Winner
- Ivy (Norfolk) – Olivia Dragon
- Lottie (Norfolk) - Sue Pinnell
- Billy (Norwich) - Sara Wren
- Indi (Norwich) - Kay Dix
- Sandy (Norfolk) - Christine Davis
Class 16 – Junior Fancy Dress – Judge: Jill Stevenson
No entries
Class 17 – Adult Fancy Dress – Judge: Gail Simpson
- Pauline Hale with Basil Norfolk
1. Charlie Plumridge with Anakin Norfolk
- ‘Pearly Terriers’ - Sarah & Trevor Aldred with Toby Norfolk & Dougal X breed terrier
Judge placed all three as equal first

Terrier racing – Winners
Any breed other than Norfolk or Norwich
Dougal (X Breed Terrier) - Trevor Aldred
Puppy under 1 year
Bunty (Norwich) – Olivia Dragon
Strider (Norfolk) – Nicky & Ian Brittain
Toast (Norwich) – Geoffrey Palmer

Veterans (over 7 years)
Toby (Norfolk) – Sarah Aldred
The Chris Moore Memorial Egg and Spoon Race Trophy
- Anakin (Norfolk) – Charlie Plumridge
- Patsy (Jack Russell) – Olivia Dragon
- Ada (Norfolk) – Charlie Price
The Melbeck Baginton Bullet Trophy
- Strider (Norfolk) – Nicky & Ian Brittain 3.12 secs
- Anakin (Norfolk) – Charlie Plumridge 3.24 secs
- Sandy (Norfolk) –Chris Davis 3.34 secs
- Cabhan (Norfolk) – Janet Howes 3.38secs
- Gilbert (Norfolk) - Emma Sellars 3.51 secs

Temptation Alley
- Cabhan (Norfolk) - Janet Howes